Conferences, Meetings
Find us at conferences, seminars and meetings around the world
Alemnis Workshop: Nanoindentation In-Situ SEM
12th European Solid Mechanics Conference
La Métallurgie, Quel Avenir!
13-14 March 2025, St. Etienne, France
07-11 July 2025, Lyon, France
​Experimental Micromechanics and Nanomechanics Symposium
Title: TBA...
23-27 June 2025, Toulouse, France
Title: In situ micromechanical characterization of complex materials: influence of microstructure and extreme environmental conditions
Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC 2024)
28-31 Oct 2024, Marseille, France
​NN2 - Mécanique à l'échelle nano: mesures in situ et simulations en conditions extrêmes
19-24 May 2024, San Diego, USA
Title: In situ micromechanical characterization of thin films: strain rate, size and microstructure related experiments in the SEM
16th International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties
29-31 May 2024, Prague, Czech Rep.
Title: Irreversible evolution of dislocation pile-ups during cyclic microcantilever bending
ECI Nanomechanical Testing 2024
06-11 Oct 2024, Sicily, Italy
Title: In situ micromechanical characterization of thin films: strain rate, size and microstructure related experiments in the SEM
ESRF meeting: New Opportunities in Diffraction Microscopy
8-11 Jan. 2024, Grenoble, France
Nanobrücken 2024: Nanomechanical Testing Conference
19-21 Mar. 2024, Valpré-Lyon, France
Title: Irreversible evolution of dislocation pile-ups during cyclic microcantilever bending
Plasticité 2024 Conference
04-06 Apr. 2024, Marseille, France
Title: Irreversible evolution of dislocation pile-ups during cyclic microcantilever bending
Journées Jeunes Chercheurs
4-5 July 2023, Toulouse, France
Title: The effect of δ-hydride on the micromechanical deformation of a Zr alloy
Colloque Indentation 2023
4-7 July 2023, Tours, France
Title: Strain-rate dependence of indentation induced dislocation distribution in copper
FEMS Euromat 23
3-7 Sept. 2023, Frankfurt, Germany
Title: Micromechanical properties of a thickness controlled multi-layered thin film
Colloque Plasticité 2023
3-5 April 2023, Lyon, France
Title: Strain rate sensitivity of a thickness controlled copper thin film
RMS EBSD Meeting 2023
18-19 April 2023, Leeds, UK
Title: Application of in situ HR-EBSD during micromechanical testing
MecaNano COST
General Meeting
26-27 April 2023, Madrid, Spain
Title: Strain rate and size dependent mechanical behaviour of a dual phase high-entropy alloy
Cairo Symposium on
Physics of Plasticity
C'Nano Nanoscience Meeting
4-9 March 2023, Cairo, Egypt
Title: Micromechanical study of a dual phase high-entropy alloy
15-17 March 2023, Poitiers, France
Title: Mechanical properties of a thickness controlled multi-layered copper thin film
30 March 2023, Paris, France
Title: Suivi par émission acoustique des évènements plastiques lors de la compression de micropiliers
Earlier invited presentations
(Seminar) “High-resolution electron backscattered diffraction (HR-EBSD) developments in the experimental study of dislocation systems”
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2022, Budapest HU
(Seminar) “HR-EBSD applications in the field of micromechanics”
Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Materials Physics 2022, Budapest HU
(Seminar) “Micromechanical testing in the scanning electron microscope”
Invited Visitors Seminar, 2022 SIMAP, Grenoble FR
(Conference) “Characterization of geometrically necessary dislocations in plastically deformed metals by 3D high resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD) at the micron scale”
4th Schöntal Symposium: Dislocation based Plasticity 2020, Schöntal DE
(Seminar) “Characterization of plastically deformed metals by 3D HR-EBSD at the micron scale”
Max Planck Institute (MPIE) Invited Visitors Seminar, 2019 Düsseldorf DE
(Seminar) “Recent advances in FIB-SEM techniques for elemental, strain, stress and defect imaging”
Empa Akademie Imaging and Image Analysis XI Topical Day 2019, Dübendorf CH
(Conference) “Investigation of the properties of dislocation structures by XRD and HR-EBSD experiments coupled with 2D DDD simulations”
World Congress in Computational Mechanics 2018, New York USA
(Seminar) “Introduction to HR-EBSD and its applications”
Pre-congress workshop #WS5 – EBSD section of the International Microscopy Congress IMC19, 2018 University of Sydney AUS